Student Services : Wellbeing 

Club Fair this week

The Student Wellbeing team will be hosting a CLUB FAIR during lunchtime on Thursday 23 February (this week) in the C Block. This will be an opportunity for students to find out what lunchtime clubs are on offer at Northcote High School, join an existing club, and/or create a brand new club. We look forward to seeing you there! 


Lunchtime clubs can have benefits for students and the whole school community, including:

  • improved peer-to-peer and teacher-student relationships and wellbeing
  • a sense of personal empowerment and student voice
  • development of social and emotional skills
  • improved academic achievement
  • positive school climate and increased student sense of safety
  • reduction in bullying

Breakfast Club now in B6

We are excited to announce that BREAKFAST CLUB has started for 2023 and will be held in B6 on Mondays and Thursdays between 08:30 and 09:00 AM. Thank you to the staff and students for your patience, assistance, and cooperation with getting Breakfast Club up and running again. 


Having breakfast has been shown to have a positive impact on factors such as physical and mental health, social skills, concentration, behaviour, attendance, and academic outcomes. We look forward to seeing you and your friends there for a healthy and delicious start to the day.


External Parenting Program

“Researchers from Monash University and Deakin University are offering parents a FREE online parenting program designed to support parents of teenagers who have difficulty attending school due to anxiety, depression, or emotional distress (sometimes called ‘school refusal’, ‘school can’t’, or ‘school phobia’). The program is being offered as part of a research trial.” For more information and to join this program, please go to-


What is included in the program-

  • A parenting self-assessment tool with personalised feedback
  • Up to 13 online modules with practical strategies to support your teen's mental health and school attendance
  • Complete weekly modules and work towards goals