Food Studies

Taj and Oliver with their chicken, pear and parmesan salads

Year 12 Food Studies

On what was possibly one of the hottest days yet since coming back to school, the Year 12 Food Studies class tackled the journey out to Dandenong to visit the Yakult factory. As part of the revised study design, students are required to develop knowledge and skills about the relationship between gut health and mental health. At Yakult, students were shown how the product is made and given an explanation of the role of prebiotics and probiotics in maintaining our health and well-being.


Year 10 Café Culture

Students in Year 10 Café Culture undertake learning that addresses many issues of our food system. These issues are addressed within a Café scenario. To reinforce some of the key hygiene and safety considerations that must be undertaken when serving food, the students prepared a dish (Chicken, Pear and Parmesan salad) that used a range of ingredients and techniques and identified the practices that would be considered to ensure the safety of the consumer.