
1:1 Bring Your Own Device – Year 9
Information regarding the 1:1 Bring Your Own Device Program for Year 9 in 2019 was recently sent to all parents and students via Compass email*. The options for 2019 devices are as per those described at the Year 8 into 9 Information Evening in Term 3.
Please note that Year 9 is a transitional year and that families have options to best suit their needs. iPads are still an acceptable device in Year 9 and if you are moving to a laptop device, there is no requirement for this to happen for the Headstart program.
Any students who are intending to move from an iPad to a laptop device during Headstart may do so from Wednesday 28 November onwards. New devices will not be connected to the College Wi-Fi on Tuesday 27 November. Students have received instructions about this.
If you have any questions after reading the letter and the information on the website, please do not hesitate to contact me.
* Some parents have old or invalid email addresses recorded in our school systems and so will not have received the information above. If you are not receiving email correspondence from the College, please login to Compass to check and update your email address.
Free Software
Students can access the following software at no cost:
- MS Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, etc) - Students can download from https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/education/students/ using student MGSC GSuite credentials.
- Adobe Creative Cloud Suite (including Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Animate, XD).
Students should ask their Visual Arts or Media teacher for details regarding installation of Adobe software.
Mr Jonathan Hall
Director of Innovation