College Matters

School Council Report
The midnight oil was burning at the last meeting of the School Council. We covered many topics with several being discussed in depth.
There was a presentation from Rochelle Dickson (Director of Assessment and Analysis) regarding our Naplan results. Ms Dickson is a Leading Teacher employed to teach our senior school students and assist teachers with the analysis of data from NAPLAN results for future planning and curriculum development towards continuing to improve student outcomes.
Kelly Lloyd-Vanni (Business Manager) delivered this year's Finance Report and our budget for next year. The report was broken down into appropriate sections and we all had the opportunity to discuss and better understand the school's budget. A sound knowledge of the school's finances helps to plan for the future development of our school.
Discussion and other plans were put forward for the Year 7 and Year 8 camps as well as the trips to France and Japan. Many school policies were also tabled and approved for the school community.
On behalf of all the parents and students at MGSC I would like to thank all our wonderful teaching staff and administration staff for making the environment the best it can be for our daughters to learn in.
Thanks you
Darren Hawkless
School Council Member
Presentation Night
Tuesday 27 November at 8pm
Robert Blackwood Hall, Monash University
Tickets are free and can be reserved on this link :
Wednesday 28 November is a late start. There is no period 1. Students should arrive after 10am for the classes commencing at 10.30am.
Reports and Report Verification Days
Monday 26 November is a report writing day - there are no classes on this day.
There are two report verification sessions coming up, requiring early finishes on Wednesday 5 and Thursday 6 December. The bell times for these days will be:
Period 1: 8.50am - 9.55am
Recess: 9.55am - 10.20am
Period 2: 10.20am - 11.25am
Period 3: 11.25am - 12.30pm
Lunch: 12.30pm - 1.25pm
Period 4: 1.25pm - 2.30pm
The Semester 2 reports will be available online at 3.30pm on Friday 14 December.
This report provides summary information on each student’s progress throughout Semester 2. This will include levels of achievement measured against the Victorian Curriculum Standards (Years 7-10), satisfactory achievement of outcomes (VCE) and work habits (Years 7-11). The report will show the grade for each CAT which has been completed in Semester 2, however no comments will appear on reports. To access the written feedback which has been completed throughout the semester please access the learning tasks tab in the Compass Platform.
More information on assessment and reporting at MGSC can be found in the Assessment and reporting Guide for Families on the college website
This guide is also on Compass parent portal.
College Tours
The College Tour on Monday 3 December at 9am is the last for the year.
If you know of a family considering joining the our learning community in 2019 please encourage them to attend. The tour commences from the General Office, take about an hour and registration on 9581 5200 is appreciated.
College Tours will resume in 2019 and the Open Day is scheduled for April.
Ms Carol Duggan & Ms Bronwyn Moline
Assistant Principals