From the Deputy Principal, Secondary

Deputy Principal, Secondary - Mr David Ruggiero

From the Deputy Principal, Secondary

Year 11 and 12 Orientation Week

The Year 11 and 12 Orientation Week will occur from Monday 26 November to Thursday 29 November.


A letter, SMS and direqt message was recently distributed to all Year 10 and 11 families.


The final schedules for this Orientation Week are attached below.


Awards Assemblies

This year we have enhanced the awards process and as such, we are providing two assemblies for award recognition. All parents and friends are invited, and we would love to see you there. Please RSVP to  


Year 10 and 11 Awards Assembly

Thursday 29 November 2018 at 2:00pm (Orientation Week)


Presentation of:

  • St Albert the Great Awards
  • St Martin de Porres Awards
  • Bl Pier Frassati Sportsman of the Year
  • ADF Long Tan Award
  • Fra Angelico Arts Award
  • Subject awards
  • Sporting awards for co-curricular
  • Academic Endeavour for students who have displayed consistent commitment


Year 7 to 9 Awards Assembly

Thursday 6 December 2018 at 10:00am


Presentation of:

  • St Albert the Great Awards
  • St Martin de Porres Awards
  • Bl Pier Frassati Sportsman of the Year
  • Subject awards
  • Sporting awards for co-curricular
  • Academic Endeavour awards for students who have displayed consistent commitment to school life

House Structures

Blackfriars has had a proud tradition of House spirit. I recall my own time as a student when I was a passionate member of Burke House. The current house system came into effect in 1987 and 1988 saw the reduction of Houses from nine to our existing eight houses. It was in 1988 that I became an official member of Burke house, coming from Cussen House in the Primary School.


The vertical Home Group structure (from Year 7 -12) is at the core of our House system. Our structure provides an environment that builds mateship and school spirit amongst students. 2019 will see the streamlining of Home Groups to enhance the vertical structure. Each paired House will consist of six Home Groups of approximately 21 students per Home Group providing a highly effective structure for Pastoral Care.  Given the reality of staff movement, your son’s 2019 Home Group teacher will contact you in January to introduce themselves to you.


Online Safety

As part of our focus on Online Safety, this edition will focus on the app, Discord. Discord is an app used widely in the gaming community. It allows users to invite each other to servers, which enables them to talk to each other over text, microphones and send photos to each other. Users find this platform a convenient and easier way to communicate rather than through the game directly.


A parent safety sheet, produced by the Carly Ryan Foundation, regarding Discord can be found here:


Pedal Prix is coming to Blackfriars!

Blackfriars will officially compete in the 2019 Pedal Prix! We have purchased our first two trikes. One model is a fibreglass trike and the other is manufactured from carbon fibre. Students will be invited to participate in the program through the co-curricular program. More information will be disseminated early in 2019 and you can check the 2019 schedule at


Mr David Ruggiero