Whole School Photograph
Whole School Photograph
Celebrating 65 years in 2018, the Blackfriars Whole School Photograph is now available for purchase.
There are three sizes available (L: 840 x 515mm* / M: 595 x 367 / S: 485 x 320mm). All sizes come on high quality paper stock and include the names of all students/staff on the reverse side. Samples of all sizes are available to be viewed in the Front Office of the school, along with extra order forms.
*Please note that the Large size will only be printed if 250 orders are placed. If less than 250 orders are placed, orders will revert to the medium size and refunds for the price difference processed.
To secure your Blackfriars 65 Year Commemorative Photograph at early-bird rates, please complete and return the order form below to school by Wednesday 5 December. Alternatively, you can contact Focus School Portraits direct at orders@focussp.com.au or on 8389 9002 and order direct.
Mr Patrick Kelly