Remote Learning Program

As we end our first 3 weeks of remote learning, I want to take this opportunity to thank both families and students for the feedback they provided. The survey information has been instrumental in assisting us to plan and deliver learning programs for all year levels.


In week 4:

  • All year 7 to 9 students will have a ‘consolidation week’ within their learning programs.  Teachers will continue to work with their students, but with no new learning material introduced to the SEQTA programs.  Students will therefore have the opportunity to review all work from the prior three weeks.  Teachers will take this opportunity to review and double check the progress of all students within their classes.
  • For Year 11 and 12 students, formal assessment will begin in the remote setting.  There will be rules implemented around this assessment.  By completing some tasks remotely, students are best prepared for their return to formal classes when this happens.  On Monday, all Year 11 and 12 students are required to attend an assembly where they will receive details about procedures for formal assessment.
  • Houses are beginning to explore remote gatherings of the students.  This will provide further support to students.  The holding of homeroom and the pastoral period has enabled the ongoing connection of the students to each other and to their learning mentor.
  • Communication will be provided to outline shortened period times to enable a break in screen time for all students and teachers.