Farewell Letters

Finishing Year 9 is an event that evokes mixed emotions for students and their teachers. It is wonderful to see the students ready to step into senior years but for some, their experience of The Lakes makes it difficult to walk away without shedding a few tears. This year, some of the students chose to communicate their feelings in a Farewell Letter to the school. 

Dear The Lakes,


I don't know how to put this into words. I never want to leave! I have spent a decade - the majority - of my life here and it's so hard to say goodbye. Some of my best memories have happened here at The Lakes such as: creating so many amazing friendships, travelling to Queensland with so many talented dancers to perform with MAD at Nationals and so many more. 


Thank you for making the last ten years of my life amazing. I truly will never forget you.


All my love,


Erin x

Dear The Lakes,


I've spent 7 years in this loving place, growing year by year to come to this stage in my school life. I can admit that this school has become my second home because I have developed new relationships with my amazing friends and teachers. These relationships will stay in my heart. 


Through the hard times and the good, my friends have stood by my side and I hope that will not change when we move to new schools. I'll deeply miss everyone because they made me a better person, the person that I am today.


I can't wait until next year for all the new opportunities and goals that I will reach to achieve. Bring on 2017!



Dear The Lakes,


I don't think I will ever find the words to show how much I appreciate this school. The only school I've ever been to, with teachers I could rely on. Right from the very start in Prep, when the school first opened to Year 9 when I have to move schools, my schooling has been full of fun and happiness. I have always been proud of calling The Lakes my second home. I have made and lost so many friends but to this day I have the ones that will always be by my side. 


I want to thank you for welcoming me into The Lakes family and as the years have passed, we are welcoming more and more students into our class rooms.


I will be letting go of some people that mean so much to me and I'm so thankful that I met them here at The Lakes. Luckily, some of my closest friends are moving to the same school next year but no other school could be as fun and homely as The Lakes.


Goodbye and lots of love,



Dear The Lakes,


Even though I have only been here a short time, I had a really good time. Being here at The Lakes was important for me as I never felt different or left out because everyone was welcoming. I made many awesome friends here and all the teachers were very nice. I had many teachers that I will surely remember and admire in the future like Sam, Nicole, Adam and Helen. Being here at The Lakes was a special time for me and it will surely be one of the most remarkable years of my teenage life.


Thank you The Lakes for everything you've done for me. I'm truly grateful for having been here.


With love,



Dear The Lakes,


Since I came to this school in year six it’s been a crazy ride. I’ve had so many different friendships and so many memories. How I will miss this place is unbelievable. Since the time I came here till today this school has changed me in so many ways and made me a completely different person than who I was before. I’ve met so many people and become friends with a lot too, who have all helped me become this person that I am today and I will never forget any of them and everything they have done for me. I also want to say thank you to all of the teachers who have taught me over these four years,

who have all taught me so much and also helped me in my good times and my bad times. I will cherish them and never forget. I will always remember how well I was brought into this place because this school and everyone who is a part of this school brings everyone together and makes everyone feel a part of the place, like we are a big happy Lakes family. So thank you The Lakes for giving me an absolutely amazing experience and time here that I will hold onto and never forget. I can’t believe our time here has come to an end. Time has gone too fast and none of us want to leave! We have to move on and create an amazing future for ourselves and become great adults!


So, goodbye Lakes Family and see you again sometime soon,


Ashlee xoxoxo

Dear The Lakes,


I will miss you and all of the great memories I have had here. This year has been one of the best years I have had here. I remember the first time I came to this school, the memories from that day alone I will remember forever.

I’ve had many amazing moments and some not so great ones. We have shared these times together and you have made them memories I will cherish forever.


Love Alicia.

Dear The Lakes,


I’ll miss how comfortable I felt at this school and the teachers. I’ll also miss the $5 salads and Coles Brand Cookies! My favourite time was Year 9 Melbourne Experience because it was extremely fun and I learnt a lot of new things which helped me become more confident with traveling. I’ll miss all the teachers and all the skills they have taught me. The amazing friends I’ve made and memories I’ll remember forever.


Danni and Maddi