
Poetry as a form of creative writing gives students an opportunity to express themselves through figurative language and imagery...


Autumn Leaves

While orange leaves fall

On a brisk autumn morning

The blue lake sparkles


Haylee Klingenberg



  A cold, cloudy day

The sky is covered in fog 

Rain drips down my face


Danielle Z

Gun Laws


No one can feel safe 

Until a gun law is made

America needs to change

It's turning into a shooting range


They call themselves 'leaders'

But they get rid of big guns instead of all

You can't even feel safe

Inside a shoppping mall anymore


How could they ignore this again?

Why not put to action what your country recommends?

I hope they're aware, the next time there's a shooting,

Half of it is on them.


By Danni Colosimo


Their home is no more

Just a battlefield of greed

Therefore they must leave


Why must life be cruel

We tell them to go back to where they came from

We tell them they cannot:


Share our food

Share our homes 

Share our land


Instead we build walls to keep them out

These people are just like us

Don't be so ignorant to think that the world can not be another way

Asylum Seekers


The boats are coming from near and far

Filled with warn down souls, hearts full of hope

Hope to start anew

Leaving their old lives behind

Full of fear and poverty from war

With dreams of paradise and welcoming arms

Yet the promised land's doors are closed


By Noah Geddes