Health and Well Being

Health, Wellness, and Wellbeing - What does it all mean?

By: Nurse Marailee

Recently, I have been in pursuit of more balance in my life because, well, this “pandemic life” has been very difficult and I know I am not alone. In searching for answers, I read an article in Psychology Today, Tchiki Davis Ph.D. and founder of The Berkley Well-Being Institute, she notes, “Well-being is the experience of health, happiness, and prosperity. It includes having good mental health, high life satisfaction, a sense of meaning or purpose, and ability to manage stress. More generally, well-being is just feeling well.” When I type the words health, wellness, and wellbeing in Google search I find definitions like:

  • the state of being in good health, an actively pursued goal
  • the state of being free from illness, injury
  • the state of being comfortable, healthy, happy

This search for balance has led me to try new things and I offer them to you:

While the definitions I’ve shared sound much the same to me, I think the best answer is balance. Let us do all things in moderation. 

Note: the link for Ajili Hodari is to an event from last fall - I just recently attended a presentation on his method and I am awaiting more information for his contact and future events. Contact me if you are interested,