Creative Arts 

Year 10 Media

Photographic series

Prior to our school closure at the end of Term 1, Year 10 media students were working in small groups planning a photographic series. Their brief was to tell a narrative in four photos. 


As Victoria went into a period of socially restricted self-isolation, this brief needed to change. We could no longer produce collaborative art in a range of public spaces representing the narratives we had envisaged.

In order to plan for remote learning, in the final weeks of Term 1, we explored how to take artistic photography on a range of smartphones. As a class, we experimented with a range of photographic elements, trialing taking images through pages in a book, blurring objects within a frame, creating focal points and contrast- all using our phones.


During remote learning, our class used these newly acquired photography skills to capture images of the world around us. 


Here is a slideshow of some their tremendous work. 

Wayne Murrill

Media Teacher