School Community News

Dates to Remember...

April 2020

  • Saturday 25th April - Anzac Day

May 2020

  • Thursday 7th May  - School Council Meeting
  • Friday 8th May  - Newsletter

June 2020

  • Monday 8th June - Queens Birthday Public Holiday

Camps Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)

As a result of COVID-19, some parents may now be eligible for CSEF. If you have one of the following you may be eligible;

·         a parent/carer (of the relevant student) who is:

·         on the first day of term one or the first day of term two an eligible beneficiary of either a Centrelink 

Health Care Card or a Pensioner Concession Card; or

·         an eligible beneficiary of a Veterans Affairs Gold Card; or

·         a temporary foster carer; or

·         the parent/carer of a student who is 16 years or older and who holds a valid concession card (such as a Youth Allowance Health Care Card or Disability Support Pension Card).

·         Provided the above conditions are satisfied, the amount payable is:

·         $125 for Primary school students.

·         $225 for Secondary school students.

·         The parent/carer must submit an application to the school prior to the end of term 2.