Sub School News

 Primary Sub School

Welcome back to Term 2! This term will look a bit different but that is ok! Here are some tips about working from home

Supporting learning at home, some ideas…..

  • Structure your day, you may want to make a timetable together
  • Establish a positive learning environment, look for the good things –  “I really like the way you are ……”
  • Maintain an active lifestyle with plenty of physical activity breaks
  • Eat healthy
  • Drink plenty of water – stay hydrated
  • Stay connected with teachers, family and friends
  • Identify a quiet space
  • Help around the home and increase independence skills
  • Learn new things!
  • Stay positive – focus on things that make you happy!

Middle Sub School

In Middle School, most of us are doing learning at home to be safe and feel healthy. That’s ok!

We are trying our best to have a go at our learning tasks that our teachers send us on SeeSaw, by email or in the mail. It’s cool!

A few of us are at school so that we are safe and looked after by an adult.

Why not send some photos of you learning at home to show your teacher?


Secondary Sub School

This term has given our students onsite the chance to learn amongst their peers in new settings across the school. A big thank you to all the parents, carers and staff who are supporting our Jacana students to continue with their education at home and at school. Here are some photos of our students continuing with their learning at onsite and remotely this term