Academic Care and Wellbeing - SchoolTV


 Although the final year of school can be a stressful time for students, and parents, there are a number of strategies that can be applied to help reduce anxiety and allow students to perform at their best. It is important to prepare their brains for success. Studies have shown that there is a clear connection between students taking care of their health and their productivity during the final year of school.     


Everyone will have their 2020 story and this year's class of year 12 will have a pretty special one ... they'll have lived a new education model put together at a rate of knots by dedicated education staff, managed some isolated living when usually they'd be with friends, and been home schooled by parents and carers; on a background of angst and uncertainty. 


As the experts unscramble what this will all mean into the future we know already that its the unexpected that changes our lives ... and this can be exciting ... and stressful.  

But, not all stress is bad; the art is in finding the right balance. Having the right amount of stress can encourage students to be at their optimal level of alertness, behavioural and cognitive performance. 


It helps tune their brain and focus. Therefore it is important to understand how best to support your child’s wellbeing during this time. The emphasis should remain on their good mental health, wellbeing and the effort they are putting in. 


This School TV Special report covers top tips on how to help your young person maximise their brainpower and there's also a guide attached about how parents can support students in their senior school years. 


As always, please contact the College if you have questions or feedback.


Ms Anne Hodkinson | College Psychologist