From the Principal

Week 5 

Dear Killara Families,


All schools are returning to full on-campus learning from Monday 25 May.


Killara High School students, teachers and families have worked as a team to maintain high-quality learning experiences throughout the different phases of returning to school. From Monday 25 May, there will be one mode of learning, and this will be the teaching and learning that takes place inside the classroom. A dual mode of learning will not continue.


When school resumes on Monday, students should remember the following:

  1. Bring a packed recess and lunch as the canteen is not operating.
  2. Wear full school uniform.
  3. Bring your water bottle as bubblers are out of use.
  4. Follow your usual timetable for Week 5 B. Classroom locations can be accessed on Compass by students.


We are excited to welcome our students back.


Robin Chand

Principal (relieving)