Whole School News 

 Uniform News

Students Of The Week 

Week 7

Prep K - Mia and Alice

Prep N - Dylan and Aria

Prep S - Whole Class

Prep/1 Y - Jack and Zayn

1/2B - Nuriel and Alexandra

1/2K - Zeki and Kaprice

1/2R - Johan and Fonfield

1/2W - Yusuf and Idigo

2/3A - Cody and Mei

3/4F - Matteo and Nevaeh

3/4T - Abdulaahi and Kaylee

4/5M - Yaqub

5/6M - Zayla

5/6W - Ismahan


House Points

Golden Wattle!


Golden Wattle - 6 Points

Blue Gum - 3 Points

Green Grevillea - 1 Point

Red Waratah - 1 Point


School Photos