Specialists Updates and Celebrations

Messages from our Specialist team (P.E., Art, Music and Digital Technologies) and Library...

Visual Arts

The Preps have just completed their Aboriginal Australian Art unit of work. For their final artwork, the Preps learnt about Aboriginal Australian dot painting. We watched a video of an Aboriginal artist named Uncle Colin Jones explaining the importance of the handprint symbol in Aboriginal artworks. The handprint is a symbol of belonging. The Preps had a discussion about where they all belong and how we are all very lucky to belong at South Melbourne Primary School! The students decorated their handprints with dot painting, inspired by the Aboriginal Australian contemporary style of art. The Preps had so much fun creating patterns and symbols of dots on their handprints, and loved all the colours!

Digital Technologies

The Years 1 and 2 students have embarked on an ambitious project to create their own 'How to' videos about paper planes. This unit was informed by the passionate student voice of some keen videographers in Grade 1C. We began focussing on our sequencing skills by following instructions to create an impressive plane. Then, we learnt the fundamentals of the app iMovie and some videography tips and tricks. We called "3, 2, 1 Action" and each group took off filming by taking turns to capture their best takes. They will continue to work on these videos next week when they learn to edit by adding titles and music. A highlight was seeing many students gain confidence and come to life behind the camera!


Our focus instruments in the Year 3 and 4 Music Program this term are the guitar and marimba.


On the guitar, students have been learning to play 4 different chords, linking them together with a variety of strumming patterns. We are working towards playing some classic rock songs, which goes with our Term 2 theme, “For Those About to Rock!”


On the Marimba, student have been learning to play a class piece with 3 sections and 3 different layers. This piece is called “Bogalot Road” and it features some challenging triplet rhythms.


A reminder for all families, Rockstar Day will take place 23rd June 2023. This special day is centred around a dress up day for all SMPS students to raise money for the Music Therapy Department of the Royal Children’s Hospital. We ask that all students get involved by dressing up like a rockstar and bringing a gold coin(s) donation. Our students will enjoy a fun concert in the gymnasium on the day too!

Physical Education

So far in Term 2, the Years 5 and 6 students have been building on their AFL skills in preparation for Friday's interschool ALF Gala Day! We practiced our kicking, handballing, goal scoring and communication skills throughout each lesson. We ended most sessions with game play. I have been very impressed by the level of sportsmanship and willingness of everyone having a go! Moving to the second half of this term we will draw our focus to the game of football/soccer. Year 5's will get the chance to be coached by some of Melbourne Victory's staff while I will run similar session with Year 6's. I am really looking forward to seeing how we transition and bring prior knowledge to the new sport. 


Enjoy some photos from the 2023 Southport ALF Gala Day!


Our Library Monitors have made a great start by helping out in the library during recess and lunch times. They have shown diligence, respect and organisational skills while helping keep our library tidy and assisting with book related tasks.