Class Celebrations

Celebrating the growth in our wonderful children on each learning level...


This week the Prep students have been very busy learning about farms and a range of animals. It has been exciting to see the students engage with our unit of learning with enthusiasm. Students have been drawing on their experience from the farm whist learning about chickens, pigs and cows. 


We are very proud of our wonderful learners as they have challenged themselves to learn new knowledge. Keep up the great learning Preps! 

Year 1

We recently had an exciting visit from the Dream City Team! Our students had a blast participating in a variety of engaging activities. One highlight was the opportunity to experience Virtual Reality, where they stepped into a coloring book and immersed themselves in the pages while actually coloring the pictures. Another thrilling activity involved becoming sports scientists, as students tested their accuracy and speed through a series of challenging tests. Lastly, our students embraced their inner engineers by donning lab coats and collaboratively creating light and sound experiments. It was a truly memorable and educational experience for everyone involved!


Year 2

This term, the Year 2 students have been exploring our Humanities Unit: Roaming in the Rainforest. They used a map to identify the location of major rainforests around the world. Students explored the four layers of the rainforest. They were Emergent, Canopy, Understory and Forest Floor. We then narrowed our lens to Australian rainforests and the students created dioramas to showcase their understandings. It was incredible to see the Year 2's bring these layers to life with their creativity! 

Year 3

In English this term, our focus in Year 3 has been on Classification of Animals. We have been learning about a variety of different animals groups. We explored how and why scientist classify animals the way they do. This week, students had an invisit from Reptile Encounters. There was a lot of smiles as students met stick insects, frogs, a crocodile, a red tailed cockatoo, a lizard and a sugar glider. Be sure to check out Seesaw where students uploaded a picture and wrote about their favourite part of the invisit. 


Year 4

Year 4 students have been focusing on how to write a Single Paragraph Outline (SPO) in our writing lessons. An SPO supports students to write a well structured paragraph. This includes a topic sentence, supporting details and a concluding sentence. We have been using our class novel, The Legend of Podkin One-Ear, as a tool for their responses. By practicing the skill of planning and SPO, students learn to organise their ideas and thoughts in a structured manner, which ultimately leads to clearer and more coherent writing. Below are some great examples of written paragraphs from across the Grade 4 cohort. 

Asher - 4A
Shreyansh - 4A
Yoshitha - 4B
Ibrahim - 4C
Asher - 4A
Shreyansh - 4A
Yoshitha - 4B
Ibrahim - 4C

Year 5

In Science this term, the Year 5 students are researching and creating a presentation on an endangered animal species of their choice. Students will present their presentation at the SMPS Endangered Animal Expedition at the end of the term. To support this learning, the Year 5 students visited Melbourne Zoo last week. Students took part in the Zoo’s Conditions for Survival tour, where they learnt what species need in order to survive and how species become endangered. The day was a great success, albeit a little wet, but still plenty of happy students!


Year 6

In Music, a group of Year 6 students recorded sounds from their surroundings and used these sounds to make music through a contemporary production process. They used production tools that are used widely in the music and creative arts industries, such as film, gaming and podcasting. 


We also had a super fun Friday playing AFL against different schools. We were able to showcase our skills and teamwork.