Class Updates and Reminders

Messages from our Learning Levels...




As we approach the colder months, we know that naturally our younger students may become unwell. We ask if your child is unwell that you email your child's classroom teacher or log the absences / lateness on Compass. 



Please ensure you are sending your child to school each day with 100% battery. We use our iPads everyday in Prep for learning and uncharged iPads have a significant impact on the students' learning.  


Toys at school

At South Melbourne Primary School we are very fortunate to have a wide range of toys available for students to play with at the appropriate times. Therefore, we ask that students do not bring any toys to school. This can lead to them becoming damaged and or lost, which can be very upsetting. Students will be requested to place any toys brought to school in their school bag for the duration of the day. We appreciate your support and understanding. 

Year 1



We kindly ask all students to wear black polishable school shoes. It's a small but important detail to help maintain a neat and uniform look among our students. We believe that a consistent appearance helps foster a sense of togetherness and equality within our school community. Before you send your child off to school, please take a moment to make sure they're wearing the correct shoes. We really appreciate your cooperation in helping us create a positive learning environment for everyone. If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out.



We would like to emphasise the importance of your support in ensuring that your child completes one Mathseeds lesson per week. We kindly request you to remind your child that they should strictly limit their completion to one lesson per week. To avoid any confusion, please remember that each week officially commences on Sunday. 



Parental support is absolutely crucial in ensuring that your child brings a fully charged iPad to school every day. A charged iPad enables your child to actively participate in class activities, access essential resources and enhance their overall learning experience.

Your active support and collaboration in prioritising the charging of your child's iPad is greatly appreciated. 


Parent Volunteers

In Term 3, on Monday the 31st of July, our Year 1 students will be going on an excursion to Scienceworks. In preparation for this, we are looking for expressions of interest from our Year 1 families who would like to volunteer their support. If you are interested, please send an email to Miss Laura via

Year 2


TwistedEd Science Excursion:

Thank you to those families that have already given consent for this Term 3 excursion. We have 85% of the cohort consenting. Hopefully, we can have the final 15% consenting by the end of term so that everyone can participate in the fun!



Your child's device is very important for their learning day at SMPS. They are used for programs, including Reading Eggspress and Maths Invaders. Please ensure that your child charges their iPad every night to 100%. It may also be worth double checking with them in the morning that they have placed it in their bag, ready for the school day. Thank you for your support with this. 



In Term 3, our Year 2 students will have the opportunity to participate in swimming lessons at MSAC. If you haven't already, there is an event on Compass that you can view to find out more. If you would like your child to attend, please give your consent and payment now, so your child is ready for swimming in Term 3.

Year 3

Dates to Remember:

  • Monday 13th June to Monday 19th June: Swimming at MSAC 


Reading Homework

Students in Year 3 are expected to read for 20 – 30 minutes per day. If your child is struggling to find some books to read at home here are some top reads for the year group based on a recent survey.  These books that can be borrowed from the school library or your local library.

AR Level - 2.6
AR Level - 3.1
AR Level 3.8
AR Level - 2.6
AR Level - 3.1
AR Level 3.8


Consent for Upcoming Events

We have some exciting events coming up soon in Year 3. These events require consent and, in some cases, a payment before your child can attend. Please check outstanding events on Compass for swimming, Legoland excursion (no payment required) and camp.  


We will require parent volunteers for swimming and Legoland. If you are interested, please email your child’s teacher.  

Year 4

Dates to Remember:

  •  Monday 5th June to Friday 9th June: Swimming at MSAC 



This week, students will be taking part in swimming lessons. Students should come to school each day in their sports uniform with their bathers on underneath. They will need to bring a towel, underwear and goggles in a swimming bag to take to MSAC. 


Home Reading

Students in Year 4 have been working towards their Accelerated Reader Target. This is the number of points that your child is aiming to achieve this term by taking comprehension quizzes on the books they read. These quizzes are taken in the morning at school between 8:45am - 9:00am and during eating time. Please ask your child to show you their progress page on the school program Renaissance to check how they are getting on. At this point in the term, students should have achieved around 80% of their points target. 

Year 5

Dates to Remember:

  • Monday 5th June to Friday 9th June: Swimming at MSAC 



We are so impressed with how committed Year 5 students have been in completing their homework - let’s keep it up! We encourage students to complete their Mathletics homework early in the week and read for 30 minutes each night to ensure they reach their AR target. Please continue to sign your child's diary as they bring them to school on Friday to be checked by their teacher.



The Year 5 swimming program will take part from Monday 5th - Friday 9th June. We encourage students to wear their PE uniform each day with their swimwear underneath. Please remind students to bring a towel, under-clothing items and a bag for wet swimwear (to be kept in their school bag once they return from swimming). Students who are not participating in the swimming program will remain at school. 



At SMPS, students are required to wear black polishable school shoes. Please ensure you are sending your child to school wearing the correct shoes. 

Year 6

Dates to Remember:

  •  Monday 5th June to Friday 9th June: Swimming at MSAC



We encourage students to wear their PE uniform with their swimming gear underneath. Please ensure that you child has packed a towel, under-clothing items and a spare bag (for their wet swimwear to be kept in for the remainder of the day). 


Homework and Diaries: 

Please continue the outstanding efforts you're putting into your home-based work, particularly in the direction of Reading and Mathemetics homework. Just a gentle reminder that diaries are to be signed and brought to school every day after your child has read. 



As the weather gets colder, please remember to wrap up when coming to school. The school crested coat and SMPS beanies are a great way to do this. All students are expected to be wearing the correct uniform and shoes.