BASE 1270
It’s hard to believe that we are only 3 weeks away from the end of Term 1. Time has flown by this Term!
We have enjoyed a lot of different activities at Before and After School Care, this Term and still have a lot more fun things planned. Some of the things that we have done include making Pompom Buddies and Stained Glass Windows, Rainbows, and Cacti. We have also had some visits from Dr Jones and spent some time in the gardens with him.
Our focus for this Term has been getting to know one another, making new friends and being true to ourselves. This week we are looking at family traditions and the different cultures amongst our Base 1270 families.
Our Vacation Care Program has been finalised and you will find it attached below.
There is something for everyone throughout the program. Bookings can be made via the Xplor App or by emailing
Bookings for Vacation Care will close at 5:00pm on Thursday 6th April and no late bookings can be accepted.