Learning & Teaching

Curriculum Day

At Wantirna College, we always value and use our time effectively on Curriculum days, and last Wednesday was no exception. 


Our teaching teams worked collaboratively throughout the day to learn more about High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS) that we know make a difference to student outcomes. HITS include using Exit Tickets at the end of the lessons to check student understanding of the content; Worked examples to support students (with models and tips on how to approach tasks); Individual and small group conferring with students; And using mini whiteboards and no-opt-out questioning to gather learning evidence from all students in real time. 


All these strategies are directly linked to our ongoing focus on Formative Assessment.  This type of assessment basically involves teachers collect evidence of learning from all students within the lesson and responding to this. We will continue with this Professional Development next term.

High Abilities Students

The college is currently reviewing and improving our approach to supporting our High Abilities students with the drafting of our High Abilities and Enhancement Policy. We are committed to creating meaningful classroom opportunities as well as Extracurricular opportunities and pathways for students who are working above expected level in one or more areas - not just in our Skepsi classes.


Extending our High Abilities students and differentiating the Learning and Teaching using our Developmental Rubrics is central to this work. This allows our High Abilities students to be provided with appropriate extension, or stretch, curriculum and assessment opportunities in all classes. Our Developmental Rubrics are available for parents and student to view through Maestro.


Here are a few key approaches the college uses to support our high abilities students:


1. We offer annual Scholarships for high-performing students, encourage participation in the annual Australian Maths Competition and our students can apply for many Student Leadership Positions. We have a vibrant Student Leadership community who have agency regarding College improvement and activities. They also have a direct voice in regular meetings with the Principal and Leadership teams.


2. Selected Year 7 and 8 students can participate in the 10-week Victorian High Abilities online program for Maths and English. After completing the virtual program, students participate in a face-to-face Masterclass with other High Ability students from schools in their local area.


3. The Year 9 and 10 Elective Program provides significant choice for students to pursue their interests and passions and to select challenging curriculum content across all Learning Areas. At the end of Year 8, through our course counselling process, we will use Learning Data from Maestro to identify High Abilities students and advise them of the best pathway offerings.


4. At the VCE Level, suitable students in Year 10 can opt for on Early Start VCE subject and High Abilities students are also encouraged to undertake specialised VCE subjects or Higher Education Studies through the Centre for Higher Education Studies (CHES).


5. We have created High Abilities Explore classes in Years 9–12. Students in these classes are extended in their critical and creative thinking and study skills. They also fully explore their pathways and career opportunities and develop their social-emotional skills.


Victorian Association for Gifted and Talented Children is offering free online parent seminars funded by the Department of Education. Parents can find more information about the following seminars and register here.


1. What is possible in school provision for high-ability students? Thur 9 March 2023, 7:30 pm to 9 pm - Recordings


2. Establishing rapport with your child’s school: Tue 21 March 2023, 7:30 pm to 9 pm


3. Parent discussion night: Mon 27 March 2023, 7:30 pm to 9 pm.


It is fantastic to see that many parents have logged into their Maestro accounts via the invitation email from Analytics for School. Maestro gives parents access to all the learning, behavioural and performance data that is available. We encourage you to log in to Maestro and have a look at the information available to you and your child.

For any questions or problems with Maestro, please contact me (email below) or Assistant Principal Carrie Wallis (wac@wantirnacollege.vic.edu.au).


For technical assistance, please email:


Digital Learning Platforms

We use Edrolo, Education Perfect and Mathspace to support students learning at school and home. For classes and year levels using these platforms, student accounts have already been activated and teachers have been setting learning activities and assessments. These platforms are vital to our Learning and Teaching Program. Please email me for any issues with payments or for financial assistance. 


Student Accounts Payments

Edrolo - Thanks to the 90% of parents who have paid for Edrolo and please note that if you have not paid for the account by Monday 13 March, the account will be closed.


Mathspace - For all students in Years 7 - 10: Please pay for Mathspace ASAP and notify your Maths teacher if you cannot pay.


Education Perfect (EP) - For all Language classes (Chinese and Spanish) from Years 7 to 10: Education Perfect contains lesson content, learning activities and assessments and students are already using EP in class and at home. Parents are asked to pay the annual $40 subscription directly through the EP online platform. All accounts need to be paid ASAP.

Student Assessment Schedule

On Tuesday 28 February, the Student Assessment Schedule was published to Compass in the School Resources tab. This outlines all the Assessments students can expect across all year levels for 2023 is an excellent guide to help manage time and workload.


Natalie Manser 

Assistant Principal
