Performing Arts 

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Instrumental Music Contribution Reminder

A reminder for parents that the Instrumental Music Contribution is required to be paid, or payment plan commenced, by Fri 17 March via the Compass Event.  Payment Plan can be selected at the bottom of the Event.  Should you have any questions, please contact our Performing Arts Administrator, Nicholetta Rigano on 9881 7149 or

Staff Concert

Have you purchased your tickets?

Come long to see the incredible talents of our Instrumental and College Staff!  You will be amazed by the quality and variety of this popular Concert - the first event on our calendar!


Thu 16 March, 7:30pm

College Theatre 

Tickets $10 through Trybooking.


This event raises money for our Performing Arts program and we thank you for your support. Refreshments available from 6:45pm in the Theatre Foyer.


In case you missed it, here is an example of our talented teachers performing Bohemian Rhapsody during lockdown: 

Want to Learn an Instrument? Join our Program! Join the Fun!

There are still spots available for students of any year level who would like to begin learning an instrument or return to learning an instrument. Please follow this link to submit an Expression of Interest form:


Guitar, Bass Guitar, Violin and Cello are currently full for 2023 but students can be placed on a Waiting List. 


Once enrolled, payment will appear on your Compass portal at the end of January and payment must be received (or a payment plan commenced) by Friday 17 March.


Attached is the Instrumental Music Handbook 2023 which lists cost requirements.



Daniel van Bergen

Leader of Performing Arts