Art & Technology 

Find us on Instagram: wantirnacollege_artsandtech

Year 10 Art

What a brilliant start to the year for this talented class! We are part-way through our Drawing Unit, and these photos capture how students are currently drawing “still-life” compositions.

After drawing their crockery and glassware realistically, I gave the task a twist – they had to re-draw the same scene three times from three different angles. I call this task a “multiple perspectives drawing”. The students had to use different coloured pencils to show how they moved from their seat three times to overlap their views. Didn’t they do the most amazing artworks?!

A huge thank you to Technology teachers, Natasha Haggar and Joanne Steen, for agreeing to swap rooms with me, so we could choose freely from the Home Economics cupboards for our still-life compositions. Thank you for your support in helping my Year 10 artists!


Well done, Year 10 Art!

Year 9 Art 

Students are taking their skills beyond the classroom! We are currently looking at the Heidelberg School painters of the 1880s and 1890s (also known as Australian Impressionism), who took their cue from overseas trends and painted outdoors. Before this approach, artists would commonly sketch outdoors then return to their studios to paint.


After sketching and selecting outdoor scenes, what you see in the above photos are our Year 9 artists setting themselves up in front of their chosen scenes for their landscape painting. You'll notice they are working on quite small paintings. This is because the Heidelberg School artists would use cigar box lids to paint on that measured 9 x 5 inches, for easy transportation and because it was cheap.


We'll show you our finished work in a few weeks!


Tina Fiorentino

Art & Technology

Year 7 Textiles

7G have been busy applying their measuring and marking skills to start their production of their bunting.  Students used a range of strategies such as laser cut timber templates, paper templates and rulers to mark out their final bunting designs. Some students have moved onto cutting out their fabric shapes to appliqué onto their backgrounds. 

We can’t wait to see their final outcomes in the next few weeks. 

Year 8 Textiles

8A Textiles have been working on the following skills to design and make their soft toys:

  • Dying techniques – tie dye 
  • Embroidery
  • Cutting & Shaping
  • Joining methods

When they are completed the students will donate their outcomes to one of two charities - Each or Uniting.  Their outcomes look great at this stage and we are super excited to see the finished products. 

Well done 8A!


Vicky Rumble

Leader of Art & Technology