Secondary Notices
Dates for your diary
Wedneday, March 22 - World of Careers Dinner Years 9-12
Friday, March 24 - Year 7 Experience Day - William Cowper Campus
Monday, March 27 - NAPLAN Online concludes
Thursday, March 30 - Cross Country Prep-Year 12 (see sport for more information)
Sunday, April 2 - Year 8 Expedition departs (returns April 5)
- Year 11 Expedition departs (returns April 5)
Friday - April 7 - start of mid semester break (school returns Wednesday, April 26)
*Please note Boarding Houses open at 2pm on April 25 (ANZAC Day) this is different to the school calendar.
Peter Hardes Farewell Function
Dear Calrossy Community,
Most of you are aware that our wonderfully talented piano accompanist, multi-instrumentalist Music teacher, tutor,
avid supporter of all things Calrossy and Dad-joke lover, Peter Hardes has chosen to retire this year.