Calrossy Secondary
Year 10 Expedition
“Best Expedition ever” (One tired but elated Year 10 student)
Last week Year 10 went on their Expedition to the Snowy Mountains. It was a once in a life time experience that saw students challenged physically and mentally as they threw themselves into a range of activities that included; white water canoeing, conquering Mt Kosciuszko, mountain biking, community service and raft building. A big thanks to Mr Hugh Howey and the other 8 teachers who came along and supported our students.
A safe school for everyone: Aerosol Sprays and Perfumes not permitted at school
Some members of the Calrossy Anglican School community suffer severe allergies to aerosol sprays or perfumes that can act as a trigger to an (often) serious asthma attack, or bring on a severe migraine in a sensitive individual. The allergy can be sufficiently serious to put a student into anaphylactic shock if an aerosol can has been used anywhere in the student's vicinity. This can be a life threatening situation, resulting in the student being transported to hospital in an ambulance.
- Aerosols are banned from school premises, excursions, sporting events and all events where students are in confined spaces.
- Students are encouraged to follow correct hygiene procedures by applying deodorant at home after showering: a good deodorant will last all day if applied to clean skin before dressing
- Roll-on and stick deodorants are permitted at school
Let's Help to Create an Asthma Friendly school. This means that everyone needs to be aware of their own:
- right to a safe learning environment
- responsibility for the health and safety of others in their shared spaces
Remember: No student is to use or bring aerosol deodorants or sprays to school.
Teachers have been asked to confiscate any aerosol products found at school. Parents will be informed that the products have been collected from their son or daughter and that they can call into the school and collect the product. Further infringements will be dealt with through the discipline system.
A safe school for everyone: Vaping
As you are aware, rates of vaping in young people has increased, and Calrossy is not immune. As a school community we are seeking to take a proactive approach by equipping students and parents with relevant and evidence based information on vaping. Can I encourage you to have a conversation with your child regarding vaping. Here is a link regarding information that may guide your conversation:
The consequence for vaping at Calrossy is a minimum three day external suspension, which escalates for multiple offences. Let’s work together to promote healthy choices with our students.