Joel McDougal
Senior Sub School Manager
The Senior School has had a very productive start to the year. The office has been busy as our senior students get reacclimatised to the school environment and schedule.
Our Year 11 students are settling into their new roles and routines as senior students. They are thriving in their new classes, adjusting well to the new VCE VM Curriculum, and developing into positive role models for their younger peers. We commend them for their devotion to their new classes and their positive mindsets.
Our Year 12s are busy as ever as they settle into their new role as leaders of the school. They have been studying for their upcoming SACs in the year 12 common room, while looking great in their new senior jumpers. We have no doubt that they will achieve great outcome in their final year of schooling.
Our VET students have started their external courses and are eager to learn new skills, experience a taste of life outside of school, and catch their designated buses on time! They are excelling in their VET courses, confirmed by the positive feedback we are hearing from their teachers.
Our senior students continue to be great role models and proud ambassadors of NGSC.
Their behaviour and uniform have been outstanding, and it has been great to interact with them this year.
We are looking forward to the term ahead and seeing all that our senior students accomplish.