Adam Bond
Junior Sub School Manager
It is halfway through the term and our Junior Sub School students have been settling in extremely well. Our Year 7 Students are well and truly aware of our school processes, getting to know the school and others that are within it! Our Year 8 Students have also been progressing well and already achieving much success.
Exciting times ahead with the Year 7 camp fast approaching, it is really important that we have all permission forms returned either via Compass or to the main office. As I have mentioned in several different forums already, we will provide the opportunity for all students to attend the camp so if there are any financial barriers, please speak to someone from the main office, myself or a member of student wellbeing for support. We are also happy to help out wherever possible to ensure that all students have the correct equipment to take on camp.
NAPLAN is also fast approaching for Year 7 students so it would be a great idea to chat with your child about this process and reinforce the importance of having a decent go at completing this as accurately as possible.
As for our Year 8 Students, we are right in the middle of organising an excursion to Rippleside Park as a way to celebrate the success of Term 1 and acknowledge students who have gone above and beyond in meeting our school expectations.
In relation to students being late to school or out of uniform, a big thanks to those parents/carers that have called the school or provided a note. Just a reminder that if this contact could be before homegroup starts at 8:48 am it makes the process a lot smoother and ensures that your child will not receive a sanction.
I am also going to ask that if you have not yet paid for your child’s online textbook subscription, you organise this as soon as possible. It is important that all students have access to the same educational opportunities. Like the Year 7 camp, if there are issues with payment, please contact the school so that we can support you and your child with this. The website that you go to is https://order.campion.com.au/#homeView where you can create an account and enter the code required PHM3 to make payment.
Enjoy the last of the sun, whilst we still have it around.