From the Principal

Sibling Enrolment Forms:
Last week we sent Enrolment packs home to those families who we believe have children (siblings) attending prep next year. If this is the case, please fill out the forms and return them to the office by April. Any questions please see Ash in the office.
Project Compassion:
So far we have raised enough money to buy 26 chickens for a village in Zimbabwe. Check out the awesome display Will and Mason have been working on.
Harmony Day - Free Dress Day (all money raised goes to Caritas):
On Tuesday the 21st of March it is harmony day.
Harmony Day is celebrated every year on the 21st of March and is about including, respecting and appreciating the stories, traditions and cultures of all people who call Australia home.
Harmony Day provides all Australians, both young and old, with an opportunity to stand against racism. It is a day where Australia as a nation says: ¨Everyone is welcome. Everyone belongs.¨
One way to celebrate Harmony Day is to wear the colour orange. This is the official colour of Harmony Day. Wearing something orange or something from your culture on Harmony day shows that you believe in an inclusive Australia where everyone is welcome and belongs.
We are inviting students in dress in either orange or in clothing that represents where they are from to help celebrate the day. Students are asked to bring a gold coin donation.
All money collected on the day will go to Caritas.
You can make a difference!
Mason and Will (Social Justice Leaders)
Hot Lunch:
Thanks to the parents who helped with the first Hot Lunch of the year, I know the kids enjoyed the treat as did most of the staff.
Easter Raffle:
School Photo Day:
Just a reminder to families that our school photo day will be held on the 5th of April. All students must be in FULL summer uniform for the photos.
Camp Photos:
School Fees:
Families should now have indicated how they are planning on paying fees in 2023. Fee income is an important part of making sure the school runs smoothly. If you have not spoken to Tarnia yet, please make this a priority. We have countless payment options for families.
Fee statements have been sent home to most families, we are still waiting for the concessional information to come through for some other famil.
Footy Tipping:
Now the important stuff!!!!
Community Footy tipping for 2023. Follow the link:
No More School Stream:
As per school communication, we will no longer be using School Stream to send information to parents. All information will now go directly to your emails through our Operoo system. Please make sure your details are up to date, all student profiles can have multiple email addresses linked and all parties will receive information. Reminder if you need to add a second person to the profile, this is something that you can do. Follow the link below for more parent help. Operoo has a sweep of tools designed to help parents navigate the platform.
Please see the link for more help:
St Patrick's Day:
The Below information was provided by one of our Prep parents. Joni a student in Prep brought in some Soda Bread and shared it with the class today. Please see photos below.
St Patrick is the Patron Saint of Ireland and was a missionary that introduced catholicism from Roman England to Celtic Ireland, often using Celtic symbolism to interpret Jesus' messages. Catholic practices in Ireland today still have many Celtic traditions interwoven. He also famously chased all the snakes out of Ireland, maybe they got a boat to Australia!
Irish soda bread is a bread eaten with nearly every meal in Irish homes, and would always accompany Feast Day stews and roasts. It is a yeast less bread that's ingredients are particularly suited to be grown in Ireland wetter climate, yielding softer wheat flour.
A cross is marked into the top of the loaf before baking. This is said to let the fairies out and it's also thought to represent gratitude for the blessing of the food.
Inform and Empower resources:
Some helpful online hints for parents. Please see the Operoo email I sent out on Tuesday for more info about the online parent session next Tuesday night.
Here is the link for your parents to register for the webinar :
Commitment to Child Safety:
Please see attached the CECV's (Catholic Education Commission of Victoria) commitment to Child Safety in schools. Each school must have a range of measures in place to meet the 11 Child Safety Standards.
HATS: We are a SUNSMART school
Hats are to be worn during play times during terms 1 and 4. If a student is not wearing a school hat they will be asked to play in the shade. Year 6 students can wear their baseball caps on Wednesday's, but must wear the normal wide brim hat on all other days. In Term 4, Year 6 students are able to wear the Baseball cap everyday.
Thank you, take care and God Bless