SJV Indonesian Day 2021 

SJV Indonesian Day 2021 

 Virtual Celebration & Competitions.


Selamat pagi (Good morning),
Due to the current lockdown, the SJV 2021 Indonesian Celebration & Competitions will now be celebrated virtually. I would love to invite our school community to participate in the celebration & competitions through Seesaw, during week 4, starting on 26 October (Tue) to 1 November (Mon).
Our students have offered creative suggestions for what to have in this year Indonesian competitions such as: Indonesian quiz, poster, food review, and dance competitions for families to participate. Like last year, we will provide generous Kmart vouchers and certificates as prizes for the winners of the competitions. 
I will provide more information about the celebration & competitions closer to the date. Meanwhile, stay safe and take care. Terima kasih dan Tuhan memberkati (Thank you and God bless).
Sampai jumpa,
Pak Kris