JVA News

Introducing Laura
The JVA team has welcomed a new staff member to the team! We are thrilled to introduce to Laura, our JVA Administration Assistant. Laura will be working alongside our Advocates, Aisha and Prinscilla to support the delivery of the program.
Their years working in public libraries have provided them with extensive experience in administration and community engagement. They bring a strong ethos of social justice to their work.
Laura is already a valued asset to the team and always has a positive outlook to bring to the role.
You can contact Laura at: lauramitchell@cityllen.org.au
Jobseeker webinar - information session with Jobs Victoria & Services Australia.
The JVA team are hosting a Jobseeker webinar on the 14th of October.
Topics include:
- Navigating Services Australia
- Payment eligibility
- How to claim payments online
- COVID Disaster Payments
Navigating Jobs Victoria Mentor Services:
- Finding job search support
- Accessing free employment mentoring
- What to expect from a Mentor
Guest speakers:
- Silvia Saso - Jobs Victoria Services Manager, Taskforce Community Agency
- Klara Bojanic - Multicultural Services Officer, Services Australia
What the team has been up to
On 22nd September, the CityLLEN Jobs Victoria Advocates (JVA) team delivered the first of a series of webinars targeted specifically for cohorts within our region – international students, job seekers, young people, those seeking education pathways, and public housing residents.
In the first webinar Navigating Employment: International Students and Residents, Jobs Victoria Advocates Prinscilla and Aisha were joined by Stephen Teleki of Your Employment Path Consulting. Stephen guided participants through topics such as the job search and application process, what’s expected in Australian workplaces and interviewing tricks and tips. Stephen emphasised the importance of seeking out a mentor in a chosen employment field to provide guidance and feedback. Prinscilla and Aisha highlighted resources available to international students such as City of Melbourne’s Couch program and the VicWise employment agency.
The event was received positively, with participants reporting that they found the event informative and enjoyable. The JVA team is looking forward to delivering the rest of this series, which represents an important avenue to partner with local organisations and engage with the community during lockdown. Find out about upcoming webinars on our Facebook – www.facebook.com/JVACityLLEN.
Our plans
Throughout the past couple of months, the JVA team at City LLEN has been working and brainstorming ways to expand our reach within the community, despite the limitations of Melbourne’s lockdown. In response to the public health measures, the team has developed a series of online Webinars that target specific cohorts who may be
experiencing heightened barriers to employment. We are hosting our first Webinar on Wednesday 22nd of September 2021, which invites international students and residents to interact with industry professionals who will pass on crucial skills and tips to navigate employment in Victoria. Our team hopes to conduct further webinars that look to support public housing residents, young job seekers, individuals looking to navigate education in relation to employment and anyone facing long and short-term unemployment.
Each webinar will have a cash door prize and include guest speakers from a range of industries that look to support jobseekers in Victoria. Please see below for upcoming webinar dates and times:
- Jobseeker webinar: Info session with Jobs Victoria & Services Australia – 13th October at 3:45-5pm
- Job Hunting: webinar for Young People – 3rd November at 4pm-5pm
- Pathways to employment with Education - 24th November at 4pm-5pm We hope to see you there!
Team JVA