Head of Campus

While I sit in the glorious front garden of BK watching the Year 12s head into yet another exam, Year 11 students congregating outside, full of excitement and chatter, and streams of younger students heading into their respective home rooms, I find it difficult not to become a little reflective. Returning to our beautiful campus to re-engage in face-to-face learning has reminded everyone to be grateful. Despite the nerves and anxiety around returning to onsite schooling, students and teachers share in the relief and positivity that being together again brings.
It is so joyous to see the School bustling with life and learning. With the increase of warmer days, classes are choosing to make the most of our stunning gardens by setting up under trees, or sitting at the tables enjoying the sunshine. Students are back conducting experiments, playing basketball in the Cage, reading books in a quiet corner, discussing global issues under the palm tree, and creating films using the gardens as their set. Clubs and music ensembles are back engaging in collaborative work with a new appreciation of the opportunity to be together again.
No-one is more grateful than the Production team. Being able to rehearse in person once again has lifted everyone’s spirits and The Little Shop of Horrors is powering ahead to get ready for performances on 1, 2 and 3 December @ 7pm.
Actors and musicians have been quietly working to learn their individual parts of the show and now, being able to bring it together again, seems like a gift. The show will be a joyous musical romp and a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with families as well as a celebration of the students' amazing efforts. Please book your tickets before they sell out.
With the easing of restrictions, this time of transition can begin to flourish again. School tours are back in person, new students can finally come onsite to meet their peers and Year 7 transition can continue face-to-face. Allowing the wider community to experience and share our wonderful School has again reminded us, once more, to be grateful.
Karoline Kuti
Head of Campus