Calendar Dates... and other things

Monday 8 November
Year 11 students
Wednesday 10 November
Year 7 (2022) students
Transition Information night
6pm - 7pm
Thursday 11 November
Instrumental Music performance
6.30pm - 7.30pm
Kevin Borland Hall, Arlington
Monday 15 - Friday 19 November
Year 11 students
Monday 15 November - end term
Year 10 students
DP Early Commencement programme
Wednesday 17 November
Year 7 (2022) students
Transition day
Family BBQ 6pm - 7.30pm
PIFF (Junior) 7.30pm - 8.30pm
Friday 26 November
Year 11 students
Last day
Wednesday 1 - Friday 3 December
The Little Shop of Horrors
7pm - 9pm
Kevin Borland Hall, Arlington
PLEASE NOTE: If you hold theatre tickets for the old dates, please click on the button above to amend your booking to the new dates, or contact the Blackhall office on 9817 6135.
Friday 3 December
Year 10 students
Last day
Tuesday 7 December
Years 7, 8 & 9 students
Last day
2022 term dates
Term One:
Friday 28 January - Friday 8 April
Term Two:
Wednesday 27 April - Friday 17 June
Term Three:
Tuesday 12 July - Friday 16 September
Term Four:
Tuesday 4 October - Wednesday 7 December
Lunch orders
Our online lunch provider, Classroom Cuisine, will be resuming their normal service from this Friday 5 November. Healthy and affordable school lunches are delivered to the front office every day, except Tuesdays. You can order online up until 8.30am on the day the lunch is required. Click on the button below for more information, menus and details about how to order.
Cover photo
Year 7s created their own stop motion animations during Design class.
Follow Preshil here
Next newsletter
The next edition of the Secondary School newsletter will be published on 17 November. To read previous issues or our Arlington and Alumni issues visit the iNewsletter Library here.