
Live Love Learn

Dear Families,

This week has been uplifting seeing the return of so many happy students. The energy in the classrooms has been incredible to witness. Next week, all students will have begun the transition back to onsite learning at school.

I congratulate everyone for the impressive way that students have managed the change. It has been a challenging time for all with the long term closure of onsite learning at school. At times, I'm sure it has put a strain on family dynamics. At all times, we have tried to balance the needs of students, staff and parents. This has been difficult due to the extended nature of the lockdowns. Through our time apart, I have held concerns for our community but at the same time, confidence in our ability to manage. There will be new regulations communicated to us requiring great flexibility and collaboration over the coming weeks. With retrictions easing, as a community we have much to be positive about. I look forward to seeing your children at school and for now, parents at the front gate.


Just like getting used to remote learning took time, returning to onsite learning at school will require some adjustment to get into the swing of things. 


We have had a wonderful beginning to our staggered return to school, with the Preps attending class with their teachers on Monday - Wednesday and Year 1's and 2's today. The Preps, Year 1's and Year 2's have settled back into their school routines as though they were never away! It’s been lovely seeing their happy, smiling faces again, and we look forward very much to welcoming Year 5 and 6's back tomorrow and our Year 3's and 4's back next week. 


In preparing to come back to school, we recommend that you:

-organise uniforms, shoes and school bags the night before

-masks are compulsory for students in Years 3-6 (please name)

-masks are recommended for students in Years Prep-2 (please name)

-locate lunch boxes and drink bottles - prepare lunch the night before if it works for you

make sure all items are named

-talk to your child about their return to school to allay anxiety

-be punctual for the school day, so that your child is relaxed when they arrive

-ensure your child has an early night before recommencing school.


Please use the guide below to determine whether your child should attend school or remain at home. 


Please keep your child home if:

-they have tested positive to Covid and are quarantining

-they are displaying symptoms of Covid - please have your child tested and await a negative result

-they have been in close contact with a positive case of Covid 

-a member of your household is symptomatic and awaiting test results.


To ensure our school community is kept as safe as possible, please also consider:

-looking for any symptoms of COVID in your home and keep your child home if there is a possibility that someone in your home has been affected

-having your child tested prior to returning to school and awaiting a negative result if there is any chance they could be affected.


In Term 4,  All students will need to wear the full Summer Uniform from Monday 18th October, once they return to school.  A reminder that the school hat must be worn from the start of Term 4. NB Galilee follows the Sun Smart policy: No hat, no play.


The new Galilee uniform is available for purchase from PSW (online ordering). Click HERE to go to PSW's website. Items of the current uniform are on sale and can be worn until the end of Term 1 2022. An exception will be made for Year 6 students. All other students must be in the new uniform by Term 2, 2022.

The Sports Uniform must be worn on allocated PE days. Please note, PE classes will resume in Week 6 and we will inform you of your allocated PE day prior to the beginning of Week 6.


Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS): 7 October – 28 October 2021


Throughout each year, we pause to listen to our students, families and staff to gauge how our learning community is travelling. This feedback is invaluable to our progress as effective school communities and is backed by evidence-based research and best practices. 


A significant and formal way in which we engage and gather data is through MACSSIS, the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys. 


MACSSIS is a set of surveys that have been built specifically for Catholic schools in Melbourne by the Learning Services team at MACS, in partnership with researchers at Learning First and in wide consultation with principals in our schools.


In 2021, students, families and staff are invited to participate in MACSSIS via our secure and purpose-built online platform. The online platform is where our school leaders will access the summary reports that visualise the results of the student, family and staff surveys.


The MACSSIS survey platform is operated by an independent supplier, ORIMA Research Pty Ltd. The platform meets with the high security and privacy standards for handling student and school data. Participating schools are in the process of updating their privacy policy to ensure school communities are fully informed and protected. 


Students from Years 4-6 at our school will be provided with supervised sessions, where teachers are on hand to help and answer any questions. 


Families and staff can complete the survey anytime over the three-week window via an emailed link and password. Feedback has indicated that previous surveys were completed across a range of mobile devices and different web browsers. One parent will have received an email on or around Friday 8th October. If you do not have a family pin, please email, so that you can access the survey.


Our community’s opinions are critical to understanding how our school is performing – MACSSIS is a key data source for guiding the ongoing work to improve our school. 


All participation is invited, welcomed and 100 per cent voluntary. The surveys are not a test; they are an inclusive way to support the work we are already doing to improve our school. Everyone has the right to refuse to participate, or withdraw from the survey at any point before, during or after completion of the survey. Please notify the school if your child does not wish to participate.


If you would like more information, please contact the school. 


Ms. Tamara Donnellan, our Performing Arts Teacher, will be on leave for the remainder of Term 4. We thank her for her contribution to the Performing Arts at Galilee and wish her well for the remainder of the term. We welcome Daniel Booth who will be replacing Tamara as our Performing Arts teacher. Many of our students will be familiar with Mr. Booth as he has been a regular emergency teacher at Galilee.

Jump Rope for Heart

I am excited to announce that Galilee are participating in Jump Rope for Heart this year – a fantastic fundraising and physical activity program by the Heart Foundation.


When you register your child online you’ll get access to additional skipping resources to help give your child a great reason to get away from the screens and get outdoors. Register and create your own secure webpage at


Please read the letter below for all information.

Dads Of Galilee School

Hi D.O.G.S - (Dads of Galilee School),

D.O.G.S Social Nights, next Thursday 28th October & the following Thursday 4th November at the Railway Hotel - South Melbourne from 7:45pm onwards.

Come along for a few laughs, a drink and counter meal.

The last 2 years have been very disjointed, so it would be great to see as many old and new faces as possible.

The school community benefits from the connections made at these events.



  • Both nights will be capped at 10 people max. 
  • We will be seated in an outside marquee.
  • Depending on demand, I may look at booking other local venues.
  • Proof of double vaccination will be required at the venue.

Due to capped numbers RSVP is required, if you are keen to attend, please email me and include preferred date.


Regards James McGann


Scripture of the Week


Best wishes,

Simon Millar (Principal)