Family Kahoot Fun

St Simon’s Family Kahoot Winner For Round One! 


Well done, to all the families that entered our first St Simon's Family Kahoot. We had a total of 167 families compete in our first challenge and it was so close in the end. 


Congratulations to Stellar dog with a total of 19, 697. Followed closely by Hero Panther in second place with a score of 19, 686 and not far behind was Bold Dragon on 19, 682. The runners up were Happy Ostrich and Quick Bear.


St Simon the Apostle families are invited to play Round 2 of our Kahoot Quiz this week and Keep a Lookout for alerts on the Skoolbag App for when the game starts!  


We hope you enjoy completing the quiz as a family and have lots of laughs along the way. 


Happy quizzing!   


Monica Rayner 

Teaching and Learning Leader