a word from our leaders

Extra Curricular Opportunities

As we near the end of Term 3 we are thankful and excited that some of the extra curricular activities planned have been able to go ahead.

The last few weeks have seen our Stage 1's enjoy their "Tea and Teddies" night; the Stage 2's over 3 weeks enjoy their "Camp in" and the Stage 3 classes prepare themselves for their camps next week.

Thank you to the many staff and parents who have volunteered their time to assist in the success of these important milestone events for our students. 

SP Playground

You may have seen or heard from excited students that the Senior Primary (SP) Playground is in progress over these weeks. Upon completion the students will engage in some 'learning' around the new playground. We anticipate some staggered use of the equipment at the beginning of Term 4 as the popularity is at a premium!

Class Allocation 2022

We are in full swing preparing for Term 4 and beyond. Over the up and coming holiday break we will begin working towards the allocation of students to specific class groupings for 2022. 

Again, this year I ask for your respect and trust as we complete the process.  Please refrain from requesting a specific teacher for your child(ren) or specific friendship groupings. The reason for this is simply that the broad range of factors we consider for each child, makes for an already detailed and complex process. We are simply unable to broadly and equitably meet such individual requests.  


As always, if there is any information that you believe the school is not aware of or if there are any specific questions that you as parents have about our process, my door is open and I welcome a conversation.  New information that needs to be shared should be directed to me in writing, not to classroom teachers or other school leaders. 

After school play on the playground

A reminder that this space is not supervised after school and is a space left for our OSHC student use only.

Every blessing for the coming week!


Karen Schoff  

Acting Principal