God loves us when others don't

Jesus’ instructions were straight forward. ‘Make disciples of all nations.’ And that is exactly what Paul and Silas were doing as they visited towns and cities. Sharing the message that God loves people so much that he sent his Son Jesus to live among us and remove the barriers that separated us from our loving Father.

While some accepted this life changing news with joy, others did everything they could to shut them down. 


Last week’s Chapel involved Paul and Silas in prison. This week, in a different city, there was a riot! (See Acts 17:1-9) There were those who showed open hostility and anger as the message of God’s love challenged their beliefs. 

It can feel quite isolating when we face opposition and hostility. So, who can we turn to for help?

Two of Jesus’ promises come to mind. He knew ahead of time the challenges we would face. 

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NIV)

“And you can be sure that I am always with you, to the very end.” (Matthew 28:20b NIV)


I am sure that Paul, Silas and countless others drew strength, security and comfort from these promises, knowing that God loved them… even when others didn’t. We can too! 


May God remind you of his love and faithfulness with whatever you face today.


Georgie Schuster

Chapel Songs

Are you missing our Chapel songs? 

We would like to invite you to our Good Shepherd Lutheran School Chapel Songs 2021 Playlist on YouTube.

To find a selection of songs that we have sung in Chapel so far this year,  click here.

Sunday Worship at Good Shepherd

Service times are held at 8.45am and 10.30am.

The current Covid-19 guidelines require people to wear a mask while gathering for worship, unless they have a medical exemption or are less than 12 years of age.

Singing while wearing your mask is permitted.

Capacity is currently 75%, with 1.5m distancing, but the group you arrive with may be seated together. 

Please check in upon entry via the front door on Montague Road and exit via the cafe.