From the Principal

Dear families of Killester,


Our Gospel this week comes from Mark:


“‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength…’ ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself…There is no other commandment greater than this.’”      Mark 12, 28-34


In all honesty I do not believe there is a great deal of commentary to be had in regard to this Gospel message, it is the heart of all we do and remains our deepest prayer for the future.


The prayers of our Killester community have continued this week for those with families in Afghanistan and Sudan, we hope the message of the Gospel this week starts to filter across the world so as to bring peace to the many nations experiencing upheaval. 


It has been absolutely delightful having students back onsite, although the return to onsite learning has been staggered, hearing the buzz and chatter of students in corridors and classrooms has brought smiles back to all our faces. 


VCE students undertaking Unit 3/4 exams are to be commended for the ways in which they have approached their exams and studies thus far. We are so very proud of the resilience and determination our students have shown.


An Edsmart was sent to families earlier this week detailing the changes in dates for the return to school; all year levels will now be back on site on Wednesday November 3. 


Parents are also reminded that visitors to the College are still restricted. Any parent who needs to attend the front office is asked to make sure they enter via reception and sign in. All visitors to the College need to be able to provifde evidence of their double vaccination status. 

Yours sincerely,

Sally Buick
