Parents and Friends Club

Teacher Appreciation Week 25th to 29th October 2021


Teachers Thank you!


Just a reminder that next week is Teacher Appreciation Week at OGPS. 


We would like to thank all our teachers and school staff for their amazing work over the past 18 months with remote learning with our children. The Parents and Friends club is holding a Teacher Appreciation week on Monday 25th October to Friday 29th October, the first week that all kids return to school.


Teachers will have the opportunity to purchase a coffee as a small thank you on behalf of us.


We are also encouraging parents to send a letter of thanks, maybe a small gift, or a small plant to thank your teacher.


They have also had family and other responsibilities and pressures throughout this pandemic and have still been there for our kids every day.


We hope you support us in thanking the teachers. 



Committee members for 2021:


President: Nicola Hyde

Vice Presidents: Georgia Fiske 

Secretary : Rachel Lee

Treasurer: Sam Sheahan


Parent and Friends Club email-



If you're not already following, please get on to our facebook page 'Ocean Grove Primary School Parents Club'. We post regular updates and reminders for families to keep up to date on what's going on around the school.