Specialists Updates and Celebrations

Messages from our Specialist team (P.E., STEAM, Music and Mandarin)...


The Grade 1 and Grade 2 students have been learning about "Living Things" in STEAM throughout Term 4 so far. They have learned about the scientific criteria that makes something "alive", the structure of a plant and a tree, and the life cycle of a plant. With the end of Remote Learning in sight, we finished it off last week with a creative activity where the students chose to create a living thing of their choice. Check out some of the awesome work that was uploaded to SeeSaw!



The Grade 3 and 4 students have been learning about the history of the Great Wall during remote sessions. They have practiced not only to say the Great Wall in Chinese but also to write it in Pinyin and Chinese characters. The students have also made a 3D Great Wall art craft. Check out some of the amazing work!



This week in the Grade 5/6 music program, we completed our Music Film Score Project. We have been learning about how music is utilised to enhance what the viewer experiences while watching a film. The students carefully planned a three-part scene with a setting of their choice. They brainstormed what emotions they wanted to capture before attempting to do so with music software. Using compositional techniques learnt throughout remote learning during term 3 and 4 they then brought their project to life.