School Leaders

Messages from the Office, Assistant Principal and Learning Specialists...

Extra-Curricular Activities are back on Monday 8th Nov! 

Please visit the Our Services page for further information on registering. 

Healthy Eating: Snack and Lunch

At SMPS we encourage a balanced and nutritious snack and lunch. We have noticed an increase in 'Fast Food' products being delivered to students for their lunch. A poor diet can affect student's concentration and overall wellness. Deliveries also pose COVID safety challenges with non-essential visitors. We encourage families to plan ahead and select from healthier alternatives. Thank you for your support.


The advice below is based on the Government's Healthy Eating Advisory Service



For a healthy lunchbox, pick & mix something from each food group 1 - 6!


The Department of Health and Human Services' Pick & Mix 1-6 poster provides a range of ideas and practical tips to inspire families to create healthy school lunchboxes

Pick and mix one tasty option from each of the five core food groups to create a healthy lunchbox every day:

  1. Fruit (e.g. fresh, frozen, pureed and canned in natural juice
  2. Vegetables, legumes and beans
  3. Milk, yoghurt, cheese and alternatives
  4. Lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds, and legumes/beans
  5. Grain (cereal) foods
  6. Plain water

Click here for poster to download.


Supporting Children in their Return to Onsite Learning

The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne have some great support resources for parents/carers to access as we transition back to school.


Please click here.


We recommend watching the Webinar re. return to school, which brought together an expert panel to discuss the logistics and anxieties for families and children. The experts provide practical advice on how to support children in this process.

OSHClub Newsletter

Check out this months OSHClub newsletter!