Principal's Message

Our children are our future...

Welcome Back Everyone

It's been a long road, right? But here we are, finally. All students and staff return to site full time on Monday, November 1st. A momentous day.


As I mentioned in a Newsfeed last week, sadly, I will not be there to greet the children as they walk in through the gate on Monday morning. I have an appointment that just cannot be moved so please forgive me for that.  


I want to reiterate the message about keeping your child home if they have flu-like symptoms. It will only take one positive case to close the school down and we don't want that to happen. You can help by keeping close monitor on your child for symptoms and keeping your child home until after they get tested for COVID should symptoms appear. 


It is likely that we will record a positive case on site and the Department of Education has a process that we will need to follow if/when that happens. It will involve notifying Department of Health and potentially quarantining students, staff and families - so please do everything you can to prevent that from happening. We want to have as little time away from school as possible in Term 4!

Junior School Council Fundraising

The Junior School Council will be selling sugar-free Zooper Doopers on Friday lunchtimes, starting on November 12th. Each student will only be able to buy 1 as we expect the demand to be large. Each Zooper Dooper will cost 50c.

It would be best if the student brings the EXACT amount to make the process quick and easy. The money raised will go towards improving our wonderful school.

Late Pick Ups After School

Every now and then, things happen that cause us to be late. These are rare and we all understand and support anyone in this position.


At 3:45pm each night, if your child is 'left' behind, staff will take your child inside and record their name on our 'late' record and call you to find out what happened. Many parents have already called the school to give us the 'heads-up' story - that is great!


For those who are a total mystery (no call from parents, but the child still left alone), we will then take them up to Out of School Hours Care so they can be looked after by an adult. Costs are incurred when this happens as it is not a free service. Now and then, a parent gets a bit upset with this as they don't want to pay money for care - but we have no alternative.


Our teaching staff have professional obligations after 3:45pm and we can't leave your child unattended - so we have to do something.


The easiest way to avoid any of this is to be on time to pick up your child each night after school at 3:30pm. On the occasion you are late - call the school so we know your situation. It also helps calm your child down as they get stressed when they are the last one left on the steps.


Being late now and then is human - we get that. Being late often is not good for anyone so please take steps to get the pick up routine right - for everyone's sake.