Principal's Message

Welcome to Term 3.

It is starting to feel like Spring might be on its way. It is lovely to sit and see some sunshine and feel a touch of warmth in the air. 


I would like to update you with what is happening with the Principal position. I have been appointed officially to the acting Principal position until the end of term 4. Next term we will undertake the recruitment process for a new Principal to begin term 1 2023. Thank you to the staff and families for your support whilst I undertake this exciting role.


We currently have many positions advertised to work in our beautiful school. Some are to commence in term 4 and some are for the beginning of 2023. On Monday 22nd August I would like to welcome Susan Collings who will be the teacher in 2c. Sue has many years experience working at Bulleen Heights school. We will also welcome Shy Sitharather who will be working as an Education Support Staff member across a variety of classrooms. 


On Monday August 29th we will welcome Yolette Stewart who is joining us as our Performing Arts teacher. Yolette has many years experience in performing arts at special schools and mainstream settings. She is very excited about building our performing arts program here at EHSS.


Congratulation to Liz Rout who became a grandmother to Margot Olivia on Friday 12th August. Liz will be flying to Sydney for a few weeks to spend time with her beautiful new granddaughter. 


The term continues to fly by and the students are engaging in some exciting activities. The students in Heath have been exploring diverse cultures. They have been listening to music from around the world, cooking and tasting different cuisines and researching cultures and customs.


Peppermint students continue to grow and flourish. They have learnt many new skills and it is hard to picture them as the little preps from the first day. The students are now starting to explore the wider school environment, with some classes making the journey across to the community hub to participate in sport.


Banksia students have been working on telling the time to the o’clock and to the half hour. They have been counting and ordering numbers and, using Lego to investigate patterns and 3D shapes. Life skills have focused on cooking pizza, hot dogs (complete with pineapple and cheese) and hot chocolate drinks.


A friendly reminder that learning programs begin at 9am. It is very important that you have your child at school by 9am. This allows them to be part of the morning program that sets out the activities for the day. The gate next to Paperbark Place will no longer be open in the morning. Students can continue to enter from the gates at Peppermint Place or next to the bus circle. Gates will be closed at 9.05am to ensure staff are in their classes ready to start the day, students will need to come into reception and be signed in after this time. Thank you for your cooperation with this request.


Enjoy the start of Spring.


Karen Hunt