Secondary 9/10

9/10 A
The students in 9/10A have had another busy and incredible term. A big highlight was our snow day trip. Although it was super cold and wet, the students really enjoyed riding the toboggans, lying down in the snow making snow angels and having snowball fights. What an awesome way to start the term!
In discovery, we have been learning about natural disasters, specifically floods and bushfires. We visited Healesville Sanctuary to have a look at some of the Australian animals and discussed how the animals and their habitats can be impacted by bushfires.
In the classroom, the students have been working on their writing to include conjunctions and using a checklist to make sure they have included information to expand their sentences. We have continued to work on our letter-sound knowledge in blending and segmenting words in reading and to help with our writing of words. In Maths, the students have been modelling 2-digit and 3-digit numbers using materials and identifying the number of hundreds, tens and ones in a number.
Our experiences in 9/10B have continued to push our boundaries and challenged us in many ways. As we started the term winding our way to the snow for an unbelievable experience with skies of blue, icy cold breath and frigid fingers as we all slide our way down the snowy hills filled with laughter and smiles that beamed from ear to ear and created great memories. What a way to start the term!
Students have continued to show their amazing social skills and further developed their confidence whilst out in the community for each of our Experience days. Students have enjoyed many bus rides to gain further understanding about natural disasters for our discovery unit. Trips to IMAX, Kinglake, Sugarloaf, Healesville Sanctuary have been a few of our highlights. Students loved the bird show at Healesville as they witnessed these impressive birds fly quite low over our heads and perform acts of bravely as we all watched in awe. We also got to witness a kangaroo joey being looked after in the animal hospital while he laid on the table being attended to by the vets. It was amazing to watch how they could weigh, take blood tests, and check the overall wellbeing of the animal while he laid there asleep. This was a firsthand experience students could connect how floods and bushfires have impacts on animals.
In the classroom, students have been working on their writing to include conjunctions and checking their sentences using a checklist to make sure they have included all the right details. Students continue to work on their letter sound knowledge in blending and segmenting words in reading and to help with our writing of words. In Maths, students are consolidating their understanding of two, three and four digit place value to help with addition and subtraction.
9/10 C
This term we have braved the cold weather to see lots of exciting things! A highlight of our term was going on a Snow Day, we were so lucky with blue skies and lots of sunshine! We’ve been working hard in class on our money projects where we are opening a market stall to sell things to other 9/10 students. In Discovery, we have learnt about planets, stars and space. In particular our class loved learning about black holes. Did you know there is over 100 billion supermassive black holes?
What a huge and amazing Term 3 we’ve had in 9/10D! We’ve really seen a lot of maturity and growth in our students this term and could not be prouder of them. They have grown into a supportive and welcoming group of young people, who accept everyone no matter their differences, and encourage each other to be the best they can be.
The big highlight of our term was, without a doubt, our Snow Day trip. What a wonderful experience for all of us to share together! We all rugged up, and tobogganed and threw snowballs to our hearts content. The wet and the cold couldn’t stop us, and at the end of the day we all bundled into the bus with big smiles on our faces!
In class, we’ve been learning about Space and Science fiction writing. A big achievement for our class was creating our own class book about Space entitled ‘Among the Stars’. Each student chose their own topic and wrote a fact file including glossaries, sub headings, pictures and tables. We also made our own solar system out of paper mache, and finished the term with a trip to the Scienceworks Planetarium to take our own trip through space.
Secondary 9/10E have shown resilience throughout the term and made new connections with teachers and students across the section. Our major highlight was the Snow Day and we were blessed with a beautiful sunny day! We got dressed in our snow gear, tobogganed down the hill and of course, threw snowballs at each other.
Another great day was our excursion to ScienceWorks and the Planetarium. It was so cool to see the constellations, planets and all the other exhibits. Next week we are looking forward to our Market Day where we have been planning a MovieLand with Pixar movie shorts and popcorn to sell to our 9/10 friends. This term in Discovery, we have learnt about planets, stars and space. In particular our class loved that you can skydive from space to earth - it’s not very safe though!
Secondary 9/10F were eager to blast off into another exciting term of learning. We have really enjoyed our Discovery Unit on Space and learning lots about our solar system. The section Snow Day was a lot of fun and a great way to get back to the camp experience. We are looking forward to our upcoming Market Day where we will demonstrate our financial Maths skills we have been learning this term.
It has been all systems go in 9/10G this term with the students full engaged in their learning and eager to take ownership over their learning. Students have enjoyed the hands on learning in our Discovery Unit, and learning about ‘Our Place in the Universe.’ Students created and built rockets and the highlight was a trip to Scienceworks to immerse themselves in their learning. Students were fortunate enough to attend Snow Day and experience that replaced the missed snow camp. Students loved this experience, and enjoyed the time they spent in the snow with their friends.
9/10G are finishing the term being apart of the section Market Day where they will put the financial maths learnings to the test selling sausages at their stall ‘9/10G Sizzles’ and also getting to “purchase” from their peers stalls.
The students in 9/10H have had another fantastic term! A big highlight included our trip to the snow. Although extremely cold, wet and windy the students managed to make the most of it. Back in the classroom students created their own businesses to explore the Maths concept of Money and they also developed their photography skills in our STEAM unit!
Occupational Therapist: Jonathan Marshall
This term we said goodbye to Nathalie Leane as she has transitioned into the 7/8 section. Jonathan Marshall has taken over as the new OT for the 9/10 PreCAL classes and has begun supporting the 9/10 Mixed classes. In the PreCAL classes; we have been engaging in a program to develop our keyboarding skills, we have also been building our understanding of emotions and have been developing our social skills. Jonathan has been working to formulate small groups in the 9/10 Mixed classes which target specific skills, such as social skills and emotional regulation.
Speech Therapist: Renae Gates
This term Renae has settled into the 9/10 section as the speech pathologist. Renae has been working across the section on students literacy, communication skills and community engagement on experience days. Renae has enjoyed getting to know the students and looks forward to another great term with the 9/10 section. |