Team Leaders Message

Term 3
“It's okay to not have the answers. It just gives you more to learn.” Term 3 in Secondary 9/10 was full of wonderings, questions and a thirst for knowledge.
With the holidays approaching us, our students and teachers are looking forward to a chance to slow the pace and rejuvenate, ready for a very productive Term 4. What a fantastic term of learning we have had in Secondary 9/10. Our students showed that they engaged in their learning and worked closely towards reaching their learning goals.
We are proud of our section as they continued their great learning from Term 2. Our students enjoyed various fun and engaging experiences to complement their classroom learning. These include a school market, Footy Day, Science Works excursion, Book Week and Science Week. Our interschool sports team competed in football, golf, and hockey. We are particularly proud of how our student's developed maturity when engaging with the community in activities outside our school.
In Literacy, students explored and investigated; what makes a great ending through studying the chose your own adventure novel; Alien Invaders from beyond the stars- George Ivanoff. Students learned about authors choices, audience engagement and structures of the text to create their own ‘Chose your own adventure’ digital book.
Our Maths focus for the term was identifying and improving our Maths skills in 'real world' scenarios and equations. Students developed their money and budgeting, volume, and capacity, patterns and algebra skills.
Students also combine their knowledge of multiple numeracy disciplines to create a section currency, budget, sell and purchase items and handle money in our Section market. Students designed the market and stalls and the day was a huge success.
As a part of the 9/10 A/B teaching and learning program, students participated in various experiences to enrich their learning of our Discovery Unit. Students travelled to Imax studios, Science Works, Kinglake and hosted various incursions exploring the impact and effects of changing weather and natural disaster.
I want to offer our collective thanks for your support to your children, the staff and the school throughout the term. As always, a big thanks to our 9/10 teachers and support staff; they work very hard to ensure that all our students are cared for and above what is expected to provide an excellent environment for our students to learn and grow.
Chris Malane Cath Sloley
Leading Teacher Leading Teacher
Teaching and Learning Wellbeing and Engagement