Junior School

Years 7 & 8

YR 7

The Year 7 team at the Academy of Mary Immaculate would like to formally acknowledge a select group of students, who have demonstrated excellence in their continued effort, positive attitude, and contribution to the Academy community. Through our student recognition award, we highlight the importance of personal growth and compassion, this week awarding our first ever awards to:

  • Chi Mariz   7 Blue
  • Coco Silvestro   7 Green
  • Olivia Cochran   7 Silver 
  • Kate Horton   7 Red

Well done on your exceptional efforts this term students, and thank you for positively contributing to our community. 


Ms Amelia Bongetti  Yr 7 Wellbeing Leader

YR 7 & 8 Maths Games Days 

The school was competently represented by Year 7s: Mia Phu, Mikayla Pandjaitanm, Callie Axalan, Angelina Zervoudakis, Truc Tran, Lila Dymott-Khuong, Audrey Mu and Eliza Leech


Year 8 students attended the Maths Games Day at Penleigh and Essendon Grammar. In total 40 different schools were represented across the state, many sending two teams of four.

Read article in full in STEM


When: Every Monday and Wednesday

Where: Fiction Library