Year 7 Community 


Year 7 Community Project


Year 7, with the help of Ms Golden, Ms Bromfield and Mrs Riles are working on a positive community project.


The project is Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Child. Samaritan’s Purse is a non-profit, Christian organisation providing emergency relief and development assistance to suffering people around the world. Samaritan’s Purse is meeting the physical needs of victims of war, famine, natural disaster, poverty and disease.

Samaritan’s Purse has a National Drive every October to collect shoe boxes with items to help children overseas. They collect the gift-filled shoeboxes and distribute them to children in over 100 countries for Christmas. The boxes are 


Every shoe box should contain the following:

A WOW item - a ball, a soccer ball (with a pump), stuffed animals, shoes, doll

Toy - toy cars, skipping ropes, yo-yo, spinning tops

Non-liquid hygiene items – toothbrushes, bar Soap, wash cloths, combs, hair ties

School supplies – pens, pencil sharpeners, pencils, markers, erasers, colouring-in books, books

Accessories – socks, sunglasses, jewellery, flashlights with extra batteries

Please note items that are easily breakable, leak or melt cannot be accepted. Nor can items that are considered scary or promote gambling.


Year 7 are calling for donations to fill some boxes to contribute to this cause. Donations can be left at the front office. Donations will be accepted until Tuesday 12 October 2022 (Week 1, Term 4). 


Year 7 thankyou in advance for your donations and assistance in helping them fulfill this positive community project.