Principal's Address

Secondary School Captains for 2023

Year 11 students were given the opportunity to apply for the role of school captain and presented their viability through an application, interview with the senior executive and the delivery of a speech to the Year 6-12 student body. 

Naomi Knight, Stephanie Piper and Imogen Pye put themselves forward and excelled in all three aspects for consideration. All three speeches were entertaining, communicated a clear message and were delivered with confidence and conviction. After the speeches, students and staff were asked to vote in preferential order for whom they felt is the most suitable candidate to represent them as Captain of our school. The voting was remarkably close, and the eventual results were:

School Captains: Stephanie Piper and Imogen Pye

Vice-Captain: Naomi Knight


I would like to congratulate all three students and wish them well for the leadership journey ahead of them. I very much look forward to collaborating with them for the betterment of Boorowa Central School


SMArt and Drama Night

The annual Boorowa Central School SMArt and Drama night has a long history at Boorowa Central School with students from K-12 taking the opportunity to dance, sing and act before the highly entertained crowd. Thursday night saw the return of this event after missing the past 2 years due to COVID-19 and the students and staff did not disappoint. 


Touch Finals in Dubbo

Last week I had the pleasure of driving one of the buses to Dubbo for the annual Central Schools Touch Football finals. Boorowa Central School took 31 students to compete in the open boys, open girls, U 16’s boys and the U 16’s girls’ competitions.

After 2 long days of touch football and up to 10 games for some students, our school achieved some of its best results in recent years. The open boys claimed the gold medal, the open girls and U 16 boys claimed silver medals and the U 16 girls came 3rd. A fantastic result for the students involved and signs of future achievement to come.

Whilst in Dubbo, the students also had the opportunity to play 2 games of Ten Pin bowling, watch Top Gun Maverick at their very own special screening at the movies, dine out, share a birthday cake with Mylee for her 14th birthday and share a cabin with their mates.

All of the students were excellently behaved and were great advocates for Boorowa Central School and public education. I was proud to be their Principal and continue to be so every day.

Thank you to Ms Johnson for organising the trip and to Mr Andrew Corcoran and Mrs Ingrid Corcoran for coaching the teams. Excursions cannot go ahead without teachers dedicating their own free time to ensure the students have these opportunities and I thank them for this commitment to our school and its students.



In recent weeks I have been raising expectations regarding our school uniform. I have requested that Infants and Primary staff communicate with their students the expectation of wearing full school uniform each day. I have also been speaking to all the students at their assemblies. 

Common areas of non-uniform include shoes and pants. To clarify, black leather shoes are a part of the Boorowa Central School uniform, and this is supported by the Boorowa Central School Parents and Citizens (P and C) association. 

Blue trousers for the girls (winter uniform) are also part of our uniform. However, considering supply and cost issues, I am accepting any blue styled pants until these issues can be rectified.

Please support your children, and the school, by sharing the expectation that they wear unif4rm each and every day.

If you require assistance with uniform, please contact the school and we will happily assist in this area.

To see our school’s uniform policy, please click on the link below.


Double Parking 

With the new wombat crossing installed on Pudman street and new lines marking designated car parks, I would like to strongly encourage all parents and visitors to our school to use the available spaces and to avoid double parking your vehicle. Double parking is illegal and also unsafe for our children if they are exiting or entering vehicles at busy drop-off and pick-up times. Being 5 minutes late or walking 20m is a far better alternative to an accident. Please be aware of this in the future.


Check-in Assessments

Over the coming weeks and into Term 4, students from Years 3-9 will participate in the Check-in assessment.

The Check-in assessment is a NSW Department of Education online literacy and numeracy assessment available to support schools to assess and monitor student learning.

The assessment can supplement existing school practices to identify how students are performing in literacy and numeracy and to help teachers tailor their teaching more specifically to student needs. Students with a disability may receive the same level of support during the assessment they would normally receive in the classroom.

All students complete a reading assessment, and a numeracy assessment and Year 6 students will also complete a writing task

If you have any questions about these assessments, please contact the school.


Mr Graham Jones I Principal