Diary Dates and


Events may need to be adjusted to suit COVID-19 restrictions in place at the time.

Boorowa Central School is in need of school uniforms for the clothing pool, especially sizes 8 and 10 navy polo shirts. Clothing donations can be dropped at the front office.  
WeekSeptember 2022TimeEvent
9Wednesday 14 September All dayYr 6 into Yr 7 High School Prep Day
 Tuesday 13 SeptemberP3Secondary Student Merit Event
  P4Infant/Primary Merit Event
 Thursday 15 September6pmYear 12 Fundraising Trivia Night
 Friday 16 September10amMeerkats Performance (Yrs K-6)
Parents, carers and family members are invited to join us on Tuesday 20 September from 1:30 onwards in celebrating the graduation of the 2022 Year 12 Class.
10Tuesday 20 September1:30-2:00pmYear 12 Family photo session
  2:00-2:30pmYear 12 Graduation Assembly
  2:30 onwardsYear 12 Muck up Assembly
 Wednesday 21 September6-9pmYear 12 Disco (Yr6-12 students only)
 Thursday 22 September8amYear 12 Breakfast