Message from the Principal Team

Principals' Update

Wear it Purple Day

Wear it Purple Day falls on Friday 26th of August which is a pupil free curriculum day here at CNPS. As a result we will commemorate the day on Thursday 25th of August. Wear it Purple Day is an international movement of expression, celebration and support. By wearing purple on the last Friday of August (or the last Thursday in our case!), we will demonstrate to hundreds of thousands of rainbow young people across Australia that you see them, you support them, and you respect them.


Tree Update

The tree that dropped a branch last week has been reinspected by the arborist and has been found to contain a fungus. As a result the tree will need to be removed. This removal will take place during the next holidays and the area near to the tree will be out of bounds until it is removed. We have applied for funding through the Department’s Safe Tree program to assist with the high cost of removing such a substantial tree.


Curriculum and PPD day

Final reminder about our pupil free curriculum day on Friday 26th August, and our whole staff professional practice day (also pupil free) on Monday 29th of August. Big Childcare will be running on both of these days.


Boiler update

We are pleased to inform the community that the Department of Education has agreed to fund the majority of our new boiler. We are hoping the boiler will be installed in a few weeks. We are very grateful for the continued patience of students, staff and parents throughout this challenging time. 


Digital Learning Survey

We want to thank the community for the wonderful response to the digital learning survey. It has been so helpful to leadership and school council to have such a great response in updating our digital learning policy. Key issues that came through on the survey included screen time, cyber safety, privacy and digital footprints, making positive and responsible choices when using devices, understanding how digital technology fits into the Victorian Curriculum, and how and when to introduce devices to children. Key actions for us that follow from the survey are being planned at present and were discussed at the last school council meeting. More details about practical updates to the digital learning policy will be released in the coming weeks. Any further questions or comments can be directed to Keith.


Italian Day

We had a wonderful time on Monday celebrating our Italian day. Huge amounts of pasta were made and I hope families had the opportunity to sample some for their dinner! Once again we were overwhelmed by the number of parent volunteers who came to assist, just awesome. Also great thanks goes to Isabella and the rest of the Italian team, and Gianna Donnini who was our pasta master on the day.



Keith McNeill & Jane Bilby