Devotion, Prayer Families & Birthdays


Breaking the Rules


It’s important to follow the rules when playing sports. It makes things fair, fun and clear for us.  You mustn’t run with the ball in netball, and you can’t use your hands in soccer unless you’re the goalie. Different sports have certain numbers of people allowed in the game at one time, and we can’t have people just running onto the field during a game. Without these rules, the sports wouldn’t work!


The students in 4A helped us to understand that while rules in sport are important, these rules are paused or put aside when someone gets hurt. The clock stops and the medics go out on the field. The rules of the game only restart when the injured person has been helped. As 4A explained, people are more important than the rules of the game. 


In Luke 13:10-17 we find Jesus teaching at the synagogue on the Sabbath. The Israelites were required to follow a “no working” rule on the Sabbath, their day of rest. However, Jesus saw a woman who had been bent over double for eighteen years, and so he healed her. The religious leaders were outraged when they saw Jesus breaking the rules of the Sabbath. Jesus told the religious leaders that healing someone who was hurt was more important than the rules in that moment. The words and actions of Jesus remind us that mercy and compassion trump the letter of the law. People are what matters. 


At Living Waters, we hope students will develop a heart that is like the heart of Jesus, always compassionate and ready to help the poor and suffering.


Mrs Rebekah Clark


for the week beginning Monday 29th August: 


Sharma, Shibu, Shunje, Singh, Singh and Sleigh


And staff:


Nellie Hiku and Sam Hull



Happy Birthday to the following students for the coming week:


Jake Lawrence and Korey Sleigh


And Staff:


Kate Emery